
Time of my life :')

Acabou. Depois de praticamente seis meses, no dia 25 de Junho, saí com as malas bem cheias do quarto 612 de Hughes Parry Hall e disse adeus à casa, à rua e à cidade que me recebeu durante todo este tempo. Mas, não foi isso o mais difícil, de todo. Foram dezenas de pessoas que conheci neste tempo e que ficaram agora um pouco mais longe, um pouco mais dispersas pelo mundo, um pouco mais à mercê das saudades e da distância. Para essas pessoas, escrevi algo que penso ser a minha melhor despedida possível e, por isso, apesar de a ter escrito em inglês, penso que deve constar também aqui, neste que foi o meu (nem sempre fiel) retrato destes seis meses...

After a couple of days spent with some kind of readjustment to the Portuguese reality, it feels right to write something about these last 6 months. One year ago, more or less, I was receiving an e-mail that brought the big news - I was offered a Leonardo da Vinci place in the School of Pharmacy in London and my dream was going to come true. The day I've predicted when I said, some years ago, "someday I'll live in London" was finally going to arrive.

Despite all the expectations I could have had (and many of which I don't even remember now), after 6 months I can only say that London was much more than what I have ever dreamt. London was the city I expected, full of life, full of culture, full of "calls" I was not always able to answer. But London was much more than that. London was a whole new world of cultures, of people, of friends, of moments, of memories that I keep in a very special album whithin my heart.

For that reason, after six months of LIFE that felt like six weeks, that left me missing a lot of people and a lot of places, I felt like I had to thank everyone that was a part of this. First of all, the best supervisors ever :) and the "Erasmus family", who were responsible for a huge part of my best moments in London. Then, of course, my friends at the Hughes Parry Hall, the first ones and the most recent ones, for making me feel at home, for all the great conversations we had and for all the laughs you brought me. Also my friends at Newman House, because I wouldn't be the same without the opportunity to live fully my faith in London and you were responsible for the peace I found in "your" house. Finally, I can't forget all my portuguese "team", my friends from home and the ones I met in London, all of those who helped me when I arrived, throughout these six months and didn't let me miss "home" that much.

Thank you all! I definitely had the time of my life, and I owe it all, absolutely ALL to you. :')

Por tudo isto, termina aqui a função deste blog... Continuo do outro lado, no meu abrigo original porque, entretanto, escrevamos.

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